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Why Aren't Your Employees Proactive?
Most companies want employees who are self-starters, take initiative, and are proactive. What does proactive really mean, and how do we...
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Who Wants to Be Held Accountable?
When you hear those words "being held accountable", for most of us, it evokes a negative emotion. We feel like we're being punished -...
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Gratitude for Thanksgiving
I wanted to pass along this inspiring video on gratitude, I really enjoyed it and thought you would too! Happy Thanksgiving! Cheers,
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Your #1 Leadership Priority
As a leader, do you know what your #1 leadership priority is?
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What it Really Takes to Get People to Rally Behind Your Vision
Your vision might be a really strong, compelling vision - but why aren’t people out there making the vision a reality? Most vision...
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How Do YOU Balance Leadership and Management?
We hear so much today about the importance of leadership, sometimes at the exclusion of management. They are both critical functions when...
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What You Don't Know About Grit!
With all this talk of grit, do we really understand what it is, and just how important it is? I think a lot of people like the word grit...
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Do You Find This Offensive?
The other day someone sent me a private message saying how offended he was by something someone else had commented on in one of my...
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12 Tips to Lead from the Inside Out
We hear so much about leadership as an outwardly act to help other people reach their full potential. Meanwhile, a lot of us leaders need...
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Choose Your Words Wisely
"The difference between the right word and the almost right word is the difference between lightning and a lightning bug" —Mark Twain...
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