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How Can You Actively Listen if You Are Formulating Your Response?
We received a terrific question in response to a previous topic, Do you struggle with keeping focused and on-task when it comes to your...
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Does Your "But" Get in the Way?
Do you notice how the word “but” gets in the way? Typically the word “but” negates what came before it, and it often can put people on...
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Keep Your Conversations Focused
Do you struggle with keeping focused and on-task when it comes to your conversations? John is a long-time client of mine who reminded me...
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Is Time on Your Side?
A great question came in this week, Julie from Miami asked: How can I get out of the time trap? I’m constantly either watching the clock...
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How Do You Feel When Someone Corrects You?
I’ve got to admit, it doesn’t always feel great when someone corrects me. Recently a friend corrected a word I was using and I remember I...
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Do You Get Hooked?
Have you ever noticed how we tend to dwell on everything that’s wrong? While there may be some deep emotional reason why you’re doing...
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How to Turn Your Frustration Around
Imagine you’re in a meeting, and you have an idea to share or a point to make, but you can’t get a word in edgewise. There are three...
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How the "F" Word Can Lead Us to Awareness
You know that horrible feeling when you realize you left your purse or wallet ten miles back at the restaurant? You get that...
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Top 5 Tips to Make a Change Stick
As I was trying to squeeze into my favorite jeans the other day, I realized I had gained a few pounds. It took me by surprise and I...
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Would You Like to Get More Respect?
“You can’t build a relationship with a hammer.” - Unknown An executive I began a leadership coaching program with was sharing with me...
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