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Do You REALLY Need Empathy?
Do you know why empathy is so important? Actually, let’s start by defining what empathy is. Empathy is the ability to imagine what...
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2-Step Goal Setting
Use these 2 Steps to Prevent Burnout! Woohoo, are you super excited for 2019? I have a feeling it's going to be your best year yet! But...
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Treat Delegating As A Leadership Activity
Have you ever avoided delegation, even when you had so much on your plate you could really use the help?
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Take the GRIT Assessment!
Have you checked out the GRIT Assessment yet? It’s free and it’s a great self-awareness tool. TAKE ME TO THE ASSESSMENT If Leaders had...
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How to Hold People Accountable
I’ll start by saying not too many people want to be "held accountable." It sounds condescending. If we change the way we say it, it will...
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Create Buy In With This Simple Technique
Want a Simple Technique to Create Buy In? When creating positive change, our greatest challenge is in influencing others to buy in!...
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What Could Be Costing Your Company The Most?
Aaron sat pondering over whether he should tell the team or let it go. He was pretty sure nothing was going to be affected by his...
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3 Steps to Stop People from Taking Advantage of Your Generosity
Many of the leaders I’ve worked with have expressed that when they give, people take advantage of their generosity. “I give extra time to...
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How to Balance Grit and Generosity
With so much talk about grit, the question begs - how do we balance being gritty while being generous? These two characteristics can be...
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The Monumental Truth about Respect in the Workplace
People will respect you when you respect yourself first.
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