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Treat Delegating As A Leadership Activity

Updated: May 26, 2024

Have you ever avoided delegation, even when you had so much on your plate you could really use the help?

I have.

Sometimes because I didn't think the person would do it well enough.

Sometimes because I just didn't have the patience to train the person.

As a member of the Forbes Coaches' Council, I was selected to contribute my expert insight to this discussion: If You Hate To Delegate, Here's How To Get Out Of Your Own Way.

Leaders who avoid delegating often are looking at it as a management activity, rather than a leadership activity. Our role as leaders is to provide learning and growth opportunities to stretch team members. If our people don't make mistakes, we're not providing challenging situations for them to learn and grow. Change your thoughts and beliefs about delegating and it will be easier to let go.

Psst! If you want to become more effective with delegating, check out the Everything DiSC Management Assessment.


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