Science says 92% of people make goals but don’t reach them. This can leave people feeling discouraged, frustrated and even defeated. No wonder many people have given up on goal setting altogether!
“Life’s too short” has become cliche. But life really is too short if we don’t make the best of it. Are there things you yearn to do? Is there something you want to change about your current situation? Is there something you dream about doing but it doesn’t seem possible?
If you’re content with the way things are, I applaud you! Enjoy that path you’ve made for yourself!
For those of us who want to make a change, read on.
What does it take to make your goals a reality? There is a way to change the cycle and get what you want out of life, and it’s really not that difficult! For many, it will only be a 2-degree shift.
Join us at 2pm EST for a LIVE webinar on How to NAIL Your Goals - With GRIT to find out what you can do to highly increase your chances of your goals coming true!
Folks who attend can ask Laurie questions LIVE (for free!) and attendees will get a really cool tool to help you get your goals organized and tasked out. Stop struggling with the path to your goals and use this all-encompassing goal sheet to get your GRIT together!
I can’t wait to see you at the webinar. <REGISTRATION NOW CLOSED>
Cheers, Laurie