Have you checked out the GRIT Assessment yet?
It’s free and it’s a great self-awareness tool.
If Leaders had more GRIT® (not just the typical grit), it would transform our workplaces. It would transform all of our relationships. Heck, it would transform the world.

It's not your typical grit.
That's right, it’s not your typical grit. While grit is important, what I’ve noticed is some people with grit leave others in the dust!
They climb that corporate ladder, or they start that company and make a ton of money – without a genuine interest in how they affect those around them. Often this backfires later, and these leaders find that people don’t want to follow them.
With GRIT® – Generosity, Respect, Integrity and Truth – leaders combine the typical grit (perseverance, tenacity, toughness), with a respect and appreciation of the team they serve. The GRIT model results in authentic Generosity; but to get there, we start with Truth and work through Integrity and Respect.
By the way, the GRIT® Assessment is the same content as the assessment in my Leading With GRIT® book - but it’s electronic and scores it all for you!
Don't miss our Thanksgiving Special - In the spirit of Generosity, we’re giving away some “Get Your GRIT Together®” Productivity Planners (now selling on Amazon)!
Anyone who takes the GRIT® Assessment in the month of November will be automatically entered into a drawing for a free “Get Your GRIT Together®” Productivity Planner! And hey, be generous and pass this along if you like!
GRIT and Get Your GRIT Together are registered trademarks of Unlimited Coaching Solutions, Inc.