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The Ultimate Gift - What Can You Give?

Updated: Oct 4, 2019

None of us chose to be born, yet here we are… guess you could think of it as the ultimate gift! Considering life as a gift is where gratitude stems from. Although we didn’t choose to be born, we have a choice of how to live our lives. How we live our lives is a reflection of the gratitude we feel, and ultimately the generosity we express.

The other day I heard a radio DJ tell the story of how Tim McGraw is giving away homes to Vets. The DJ made a comment, “wow look what he's doing with his life, it makes me feel like I’m doing nothing with my life.” But it's not about how much you’re giving, it's about what you are giving - time, love, gratitude, humor. It doesn't mean more if you’re giving away a house, lending a helping hand or being kind to someone. Each of these can have just as much impact. Tim McGraw has different resources because of choices he made in his life, and he’s giving what he feels is generous. Feeling bad because someone else is doing something wonderful and generous just distracts us from what we can give, and in essence, we’re stealing from Tim McGraw’s gift.

When you’re feeling grateful, you feel abundance and self-worth, and you’ll give rather than take. You’ll also be open to receive when someone gives to you, which continues the flow. Consider how you can connect and give, rather than repel and take. Connecting with a human being might be the best gift you ever give. We all feel the need for connection and it certainly seems like that is deteriorating. So don't look at someone famous and think I can never give enough or be enough, you have plenty to give in your everyday life situations. Just consider a few of these:

  1. Rather than trying to one-up someone in your next conversation, think of how you can admire, or show appreciation for them or their story.

  2. When you’re with a group of people, remember to include each of them, rather than singling someone out while ignoring others. There’s enough ‘love’ to go around!

  3. When you’re feeling jealous or irritated, watch your comments. These are a reflection of you, not the person you’re making them about.

  4. When you think of something nice, express it. Too often we have good thoughts but we keep them to ourselves.

Just be with someone. Listen, empathize, laugh - simply connect and be in the moment. What other opportunities can you think of to connect and give, with what you have, right now? Come on over to the blog and share it with us and, hey, you’ll be giving and connecting by sharing with everyone there!




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