Sometimes it’s stressful thinking about all you need to get done around the holidays, especially making sure you get the right gifts for people. Often, it’s the free gifts we could be giving that will make the biggest difference to someone.
As you’re gearing up for Christmas, New Years, Hanukkah, and any and all of the holidays you celebrate - think about what free gifts you can give to people, whether you know them or not.
Top 10 free holiday gifts:
A smile
Happy thoughts about that person
Your undivided attention
A genuine compliment
A hug
Encouragement; your belief in them
A good joke to help them lighten up
A funny video clip
Your laughter - it’s contagious
Your time, the most precious gift
Make it a point to do at least one of these every day from now through Jan 1. See if you can work up to doing all 10 each day! Cool thing is, you’ll start getting these free gifts back!
What other ideas do you have for free gifts during the holidays? Tell us about them - share your ideas or story with us and spread the holiday cheer!