That famous acronym - Together Everyone Achieves More - is not always true, as anyone who’s been a part of a dysfunctional team can attest.
A team takes energy and commitment to work on the real issues that get in the way of reaching the collective goal.
It requires attention and regular maintenance to function properly.
A leader’s role is critical in ensuring the team is a success, by clearing roadblocks; communicating clearly, directly, and positively; and building trust and a culture of accountability. In order to do this, the leader has to go first. The leader must set the example of communication, collaboration and accountability.
Once a leader has established trust with the team through these actions, the team will be ready and willing to receive coaching.
Join us today at 2pm when we share a few tips to help leaders communicate and coach more effectively. We’ll be discussing:
How to talk like a leader so your team listens.
Is it one or many? How to know when a particular team member needs coaching vs. when an entire team needs coaching.
Is it working? How to tell if your coaching is making changes for your team.
The one simple shift in your communication that changes everything.